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 Case Study 1: The Promotion at a Cost


Samantha, 34, has worked at her company for ten years and is about to receive a long-awaited promotion to department head. However, her new role requires frequent travel, long hours, and more responsibility. This would mean even less time for personal relationships, self-care, and church involvement.

Twist 1: Samantha’s new role will force her to manage a project that could lead to layoffs for lower-level employees. Although this isn’t her direct responsibility, she feels uneasy knowing her decisions could affect the livelihoods of others.

Twist 2: Her best friend has asked her to be the godmother of her newborn child, which would require Samantha to play a more active role in their life—a commitment her new job may make impossible.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Should Samantha accept the promotion despite its personal and ethical costs? How can she balance her ambition with her moral concerns and responsibilities to her community?

  2. What does contentment look like for Samantha at this stage in her career?

  3. How can Orthodox teachings on leadership and service guide Samantha’s decision-making?

Case Study 2: The Rising Star with Mental Health Struggles


David, 30, is a rising star at his law firm. After years of hard work, he’s now handling high-profile cases and gaining respect from senior partners. Despite his success, David has been experiencing anxiety and panic attacks, which he hides from his colleagues.

Twist 1: David has been offered a partnership track, but it requires him to take on even more demanding cases and increase his billable hours. His boss believes David is the perfect candidate for this role because he “handles stress well,” which only increases the pressure for David to conceal his struggles.

Twist 2: David’s sister, who has always been his emotional support, recently moved abroad, and he feels more isolated than ever. His faith has also taken a backseat, as he has no time for prayer or church.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Should David continue to pursue partnership at the cost of his mental health? How can he balance career ambition with personal well-being?

  2. How should David address the isolation he’s feeling? What role should his faith play in finding peace and contentment?

  3. How can Orthodox teachings on humility and vulnerability help David in this situation?

Case Study 3: The Successful Entrepreneur Seeking Fulfillment


Lina, 35, is the CEO of a highly successful tech startup that has grown rapidly over the past few years. Her company is now well-known, profitable, and making a positive impact in its industry. Despite her professional success, Lina feels empty and unfulfilled. She has sacrificed her personal life, rarely seeing her friends, family, or church community.

Twist 1: Lina recently attended a high school reunion, where she was reminded of her past dreams of living a simpler life focused on family, faith, and community. Now she questions whether the relentless pursuit of career success has taken her too far from what truly matters.

Twist 2: To complicate things further, Lina has received a lucrative offer to sell her company, which would allow her to retire early and focus on her personal life. However, selling the company would mean giving up control, and the new owners might take it in a direction she disagrees with.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Should Lina sell the company and refocus on her personal life, or continue leading her business, even at the cost of personal fulfillment?

  2. How can Lina reconcile her ambition with the need for rest, connection, and faith?

  3. What role should Orthodox teachings on contentment and stewardship play in helping Lina make this decision?

Case Study 4: The Perfectionist Seeking the "Ideal" Partner


Michael, 33, is a successful financial analyst who constantly seeks perfection in his career and relationships. After years of dating, he’s now with Sarah, 31, who shares his faith and values. However, Michael keeps focusing on small imperfections in their relationship, feeling that she may not be the “perfect” match for him.

Twist 1: Michael’s family loves Sarah and believes she would make an excellent partner, but Michael can’t shake the feeling that he’s settling because Sarah isn’t as career-driven or ambitious as he is.

Twist 2: Michael’s colleagues, who are equally driven, question why he’s dating someone who doesn’t share the same level of career ambition, making Michael doubt his decisions even more.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Should Michael continue his relationship with Sarah, or is his pursuit of perfection preventing him from finding contentment in love?

  2. How can Michael integrate his faith in addressing his need for control in relationships?

  3. How can Orthodox teachings on love, commitment, and contentment shape Michael’s view of relationships?

Case Study 5: The Ambitious Professional Struggling with Commitment


Anna, 29, is a marketing executive whose career is her top priority. She’s been dating John, 30, an elementary school teacher who is grounded in faith and community. John is ready for marriage, but Anna is hesitant, worrying that settling down will derail her career ambitions.

Twist 1: John has recently started talking about starting a family, which puts even more pressure on Anna to decide whether she is ready for that commitment. The idea of children terrifies Anna because she doesn’t want to sacrifice her career progress.

Twist 2: Anna’s company has offered her a promotion that involves relocating to another city. John has expressed that he doesn’t want to move, which forces Anna to decide between pursuing her career dream or staying with John.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Should Anna pursue her promotion at the cost of her relationship? How can she find balance between ambition and commitment?

  2. How can Anna integrate Orthodox values of family, self-sacrifice, and service into her relationship decisions?

  3. What role should compromise and faith play in Anna’s relationship with John?

Case Study 6: The High Achiever with Relationship Restlessness


Rachel, 32, is a successful consultant who has achieved most of her career goals. She’s been dating Adam, 34, a software engineer, for two years. While their relationship is stable, Rachel feels a sense of restlessness and wonders if there’s something more exciting out there. She worries that she’s settling for a “comfortable” relationship rather than experiencing deep passion and excitement.

Twist 1: Adam has just been offered an overseas job opportunity, and he wants Rachel to come with him. This could be an exciting change, but Rachel’s restlessness has caused her to question whether she wants to commit to the relationship at all—let alone move abroad for it.

Twist 2: Rachel’s close friend, who recently ended a long-term relationship, is encouraging her to break things off and experience the single life again. Rachel is now caught between her friend’s advice, her sense of restlessness, and Adam’s offer to start a new chapter together overseas.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Is Rachel’s restlessness a sign that she’s not ready for commitment, or is it a deeper issue that she needs to address within herself?

  2. Should Rachel follow Adam abroad or use this opportunity to reassess her relationship? What role does faith play in making a decision that involves such a life change?

  3. How does the Orthodox understanding of contentment, sacrifice, and trust in God’s plan apply to Rachel’s situation?